Senin, 11 November 2013

Increased minimum wage in Indonesia at a violent cost

(terjemahin sendiri ya pake google translate :))

Increased minimum wage in Indonesia at a violent cost

During the national demonstration on 31 October and 1 November, 1,5 million Indonesian workers took to the streets. Although some of the demands were met, the protests ended in violence in some parts of the country.
Workers demanded a 50% increase of the minimum wage, the implementation of national health security without exception on 1 January 2014 instead of a gradual implementation by 2019, the abolition of outsourcing, the enactment of a law on domestic workers, and the annulment of Mass Organisation law. As a result of the strike, some of the local governments have promised an increase in the minimum wage between 30 and 40 per cent. However, the Govenor of Jakarta opted for a mere 9 per cent increase.
According to Said Iqbal, President of IndustriALL Global Union affiliate FSPMI and the Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI), this is “not realistic and irrational”, as the raise will not cover the living costs.
In the wake of the national demonstrations, IndustriALL representative in South East Asia Pacific, Vonny Diananto, conducted a solidarity trip to Indonesia. Meeting with trade union representatives, Vonny Diananto conveyed IndustriALL’s message of support for a living wage and basic social protection.”
Violent end to demonstrations
The legal and peaceful protest was set upon by paid thugs, resulting in an attack on 28 workers. Seventeen of them were severely injured and are currently hospitalized, three of which are in critical condition.
Said Iqbal is outraged:
“They workers were attacked while fighting for their rights, and the police let this happen. They let the thugs carry weapon and stab and slash the workers. This is a tragedy and democracy in Indonesia is under threat. The police need to find those responsible for this and take legal action against them. “
Jyrki Raina, General Secretary at IndustriALL, slams the attacks on peaceful demonstrators:
“This violation of human rights and workers’ right to strike is wholly unacceptable. IndustriALL condemns the violence and will closely monitor the situation in Indonesia.”

Kekerasan mengakhiri pemogokan di Indonesia

Sebuah pemogokan nasional diselenggarakan di Indonesia pada tanggal 31 Oktober dan 1 November dengan lebih dari 1,5 juta peserta. Meskipun demonstrasi damai diadakan di sebagian besar wilayah, wabah kekerasan melukai sejumlah orang.
Mass demonstrations
Demonstrasi massa
Pemogokan terjadi di seluruh Indonesia, mengumpulkan total 1,5 juta pekerja menuntut, antara lain, upah minimum meningkat. Meskipun permohonan untuk demonstrasi damai bentrokan terjadi. 17 demonstran terluka, satu masih tetap dalam kondisi kritis.
"Kami ingin demonstrasi aman, tapi paramiliter pasukan menyerang pekerja dengan balok dan pisau. Mereka diduga dibayar oleh pemerintah dan pengusaha, "kata Said Iqbal, Presiden IndustriALL Global Union pada afiliasi FSPMI dan Konfederasi Serikat Buruh Indonesia (KSPI).
Setelah pemogokan dua hari, para Govenor dan asosiasi majikan disepakati upah minimum bagi Jakarta. Menurut serikat pekerja upah minimum baru masih terlalu rendah, dengan alasan bahwa sembilan per kenaikan persen lebih rendah dari inflasi dan kembali ke sistem upah rendah.
IndustriALL Global Union pada Sekretaris Jenderal Jyrki Raina mengatakan:
"Kami mendukung anggota kami di Indonesia dan perjuangan mereka. Mereka memiliki dukungan tanpa henti kami untuk terus membangun persatuan antar serikat pekerja dan menghentikan pemerintah dan pengusaha dari menggunakan divisi ini terhadap pekerja. "

sumber asli:

Violent end to Indonesian strike

A national strike was held in Indonesia on 31 October and 1 November with more than 1,5 million participants. Although peaceful demonstrations were held in most regions, violent outbreaks injured a number people.
Mass demonstrations
Mass demonstrations
Strikes took place throughout Indonesia, gathering a total of 1,5 million workers demanding, among other things, an increased minimum wage. Despite pleas for peaceful demonstrations violent clashes occurred. 17 protesters were injured; one still remains in critical condition.

“We wanted safe demonstrations, but paramilitary forces attacked workers with beams and knifes. They were allegedly paid by the government and employers,” says Said Iqbal, President of IndustriALL Global Union affiliate FSPMI and the Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI).
After the two-day strike, the Govenor and employer’s association agreed upon a minimum wage for Jakarta. According to trade unions the new minimum wage is still too low, arguing that the nine per cent rise is lower than the inflation and a return to a low wage system.

IndustriALL Global Union General Secretary Jyrki Raina says:
“We support our members in Indonesia and their struggle. They have our relentless support in continuing to build unity among trade unions and stopping the government and employers from using this division against workers.”